Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Finding The Perfect Tribal Scorpion Tattoos

You have been thinking of getting a tattoo for some time now. It took you a while to have the guts and conviction but you finally got a visit from the gods of decisiveness to get some “tats.”

You have been thinking of getting one of those tribal scorpion tattoos. Although you know these are popular designs and it will take some time to actually find a unique design, you are willing to go through hell and back to find that one tribal scorpion tattoo design that will adorn your nape, your arm, your shoulder, your lower back, your bottom or that ankle. After all, who says that getting a tattoo will be easy?

Tribal scorpion tattoos are designs that are very popular so it will be very easy to find sample designs. However, as was mentioned earlier, this will make it difficult to find one that is especially yours and yours alone.

There are a number of avenues where you can find tribal scorpion tattoos designs. The most popular and most convenient avenue will be the internet. There are various sites that can give you sample designs like “Rank my Tattoos”, “Tattoo Finder”, Tattoo Joy” and “Tattoos by Design”. It is very convenient to check the internet for designs because usually, these sites have a search function that you just have to plug in the style you are looking for, like for your case, type in “tribal scorpion tattoos” then click the search button. In less than a second or two, the site will automatically give you all its designs that hit the description you want. Also, these sites will usually have ratings by tattoo enthusiasts, ranking each design that pops up. It is always good to know what tattoo people think about a design.

The second avenue you may want to consider in looking for tribal scorpion tattoos designs are tattoo magazines like “Skin and Ink” and “Tattoo Flash”. These magazines usually have features works of known tattoo artists and they are also a good place to get information on getting permanent tattoo. The only downside of this one though is that these magazines may not always have the design you are looking for and unless tribal scorpion tattoos designs are being featured, then it may be a good idea to stick to the web search if you had to choose only one avenue.

Watching tattoo shows can also help you get inspiration in a design you want. Each episode in tattoo shows like “Miami Ink” may not feature a wide range of the particular design you are looking for but it will still allow you to get that design ideas in terms of possible backgrounds or places to put your ink on.

And lastly, if you do have some spare time and if you do find these in an area near you, visit tattoo expos and events. This will definitely give you a training on tattoo 101 and meet other tattoo enthusiasts.

Remember a tattoo will be with you for the rest of your life. Things, lovers and jobs come and go but your ink will be with you for the rest of your life (unless you go through costly touch ups) so make sure you exhaust all efforts in finding the right design for you.



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